Category: Relationships

  • How to love her personality

    Most women already know that they are beautiful. They know that it draws men in and they know that men can get overly focused on their looks. But if you really want to turn a woman on you need to prove to her that you are drawn in by her personality. Especially if you are…

  • Should you wait for love?

    There are different philosophies when it comes to finding love. When the subject of dating is brought up many people will say that you should just “let it happen naturally”. Pickup runs counter to this philosophy because it is about taking direct action to find love. This presents certain challenges but also gives the pickup…

  • Open relationships

    Women value emotional relationships versus men who value physical intimacy. So, some women can make love to lots of men and separate sex and relationships into two different things. That’s harder for men because we tie sex to a commit. We think that sex means a woman is committed to us. Don’t assume that is…

  • My advice on the friendzone

    I’ll build on this in time but my advice is to accept her as just your friend and ask her to be your wing woman when you do pickup. I’ll go deeper in time but this approach has two benefits: But if you are in the friendzone I highly recommend just moving on to a…

  • The joy of deep connection

    My goal with pickup has never been quick sex although I have had some. The end game for me is to use pickup to find the most attractive long-term female partner I can. But ultimately I am more drawn to women for the sake of connection than for sexual pleasure. So a lot of my…

  • Breaking up

    Why are breakups so painful and challenging? I believe that it comes from our disappoint regarding the future plans made with the ex-partner in question. In addition, breakups force you to reckon with yourself because you have more time to yourself. I have been going through a breakup recently and I know that these same…