Category: Outer game

  • Once you get her number

    One key principle when speaking with women in a romantic capacity is to practice patience. For example, once you get a girl’s number it can be tempting to text her and ask for a date immediately. This is a mistake. You should text her and say hello so that she knows it’s your number but…

  • Make more female friends

    Friends never leave It’s good for you trust me. You shouldn’t sleep with every girl some should just be your buddies. I have women who have asked me if I will have sex with them and I immediately say no. Then I explain that I love her on a deeper level. Friends never leave. Lovers…

  • Speechcraft

    Women are, by far, attracted to and affected by the words a man says more than anything else. That is not to say you can get away without showering, but you should focus energy on developing your speechcraft before you waste time obsessing over your height. I have spent many hours reading and writing in…

  • What makes a man attractive?

    Let’s break those down Indepence Also called non-neediness, this is the fundamental core of an attractive man. A man who is dependent can only be seen by a woman as a child in need of caretaking. Independence is hard and in truth you will never be fully independent. If you were fully independent you would…

  • Patience and consistency

    Pickup (and dating in general) is very much a patience game. At the individual level of a one-night stand you aren’t practicing much patience but that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the years of self-development that lead up to being able to pickup a girl for one night only of sex. So,…

  • Eye contact

    Ladies love it. Learning how to make good eye contact with a woman may in fact be one of the most attractive skills you can learn. Why is eye contact so crucial to a woman? It’s because when you are looking a woman in the eyes she knows she has your full attention. By looking…

  • Ethics and safety in pickup

    The inherit risk and challenge of pickup is that you are talking to strangers. In many ways pickup is a trust building exercise. So, it’s crucial that you develop an ethical set of principles that guide your treatment of women. In addition, you must always be aware of the safety aspect. Although you may think…

  • Other men and how to avoid them

    Other men who notice that you have pickup talent will immediately seek to disrupt you. It’s a jealousy thing. When a man sees you approach a woman confidently, they are challenged at a fundamental level. Most men don’t have the courage to talk to women they like and so they end up hating those men…

  • Basic pickup approaches

    This post is organized by physical context (Comic Con, Public Park, Store, etc.) Hopefully each example helps you do better pickup in that context. Comic Cons Some good lines for Comic Cons are “I love your outfit! How long did it take to make?” “I like that video game too how many hours do you…