How to love her personality

Most women already know that they are beautiful. They know that it draws men in and they know that men can get overly focused on their looks. But if you really want to turn a woman on you need to prove to her that you are drawn in by her personality. Especially if you are looking for marriage then you need to be able to prove to a woman that you care about more than her appearance so that she can trust you’ll be with her for the long haul.

Unless you find yourself on the show “Love is Blind” this can be a hard thing to do. Most interactions you have with women such as meeting in real life mean you see their appearance immediately. So, you have to find another way to prove that you care about her personality. What are some ways that you can do this?

One way that you can go about showing a woman you care about her soul is to create an atmosphere of emotional acceptance in your relationship. Start by being vulnerable with her in an appropriate way. What do I mean by appropriate here? Well, you should attempt to judge what level of vulnerability your relationship is already at and then level it up slowly. For example, the most mundane level of vulnerability is sharing your feelings about everyday things like the weather or how work is going. Vulnerability in this context might mean sharing that you are upset about something that your boss said. This is vulnerability because you probably wouldn’t say that around your boss.

If you are at this low level of vulnerability you might be able to grow your connection by opening up a discussion about your family and how you feel about your upbringing. By being the first to bring this topic up you are showing her that you aren’t afraid to be vulnerable around her which allows her to feel safe doing the same thing.

You can also work on complementing her about her personality when you are speaking to her. Saying things like “I like the way you treat me” and “I enjoy how kind you are” are two easy ways to show her that you care about what is inside. Don’t be shy about complementing her looks but try and keep it about 80% compliments about who she is and 20% compliments about her appearance.

Taking things slow is another way to show that you care about her feelings. Make sure to be attentive to what your partner needs in terms of the speed and intensity of the relationship. Communicate openly with them if you feel things are going too fast. Ask them directly if they want to slow down or wait to do something big like sex or a vacation together. Any woman worth your time is going to make you wait in some dimension. That may or may not be sex. But for instance maybe you will have to wait to learn important details about her that she isn’t comfortable sharing right away. Give her the time she needs and don’t pressure her – making her feel comfortable is very attractive.

Some have said that romance is friendship caught on fire. What this means is that you need to spend plenty of time doing activities together that allow a friendship-like bond to be built in addition to your romantic connection. I like to play video games with my partner and we garden as well as cook together. We relate about the experience of these things and it’s a way for me to show that I appreciate her interests.

My final piece of advice is to remember small details about the things she tells you about herself. By remembering those minute facts about her you prove to her that you are listening to her words. Don’t be afraid to take notes about her if you need to. It’s sweet that you are putting in the effort to remember what she likes and what she tells you. Personally, when I’m journaling about my day I often will jot down what I learned about my partner that day.

It’s worth it to show your partner that you care about her personality first and foremost. It is a matter of building a strong foundation of trust and comfort for her. Invest in vulnerability, spending time together, being patient with her, and remembering the small details and she will reward you with her heart .


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