Once you get her number

One key principle when speaking with women in a romantic capacity is to practice patience. For example, once you get a girl’s number it can be tempting to text her and ask for a date immediately. This is a mistake. You should text her and say hello so that she knows it’s your number but don’t ask her out immediately. I’ve made this mistake before and it’s a big turn off for women.

I know you might be excited to ask a girl out after you meet her but you need to control your emotions. Women find men who can’t control their excitement to be mentally weak and they aren’t attracted to them. It’s also important to recognize that a lot of women aren’t used to men who are confident enough to do pickup. So, you need to give them some time to get comfortable with a man they just met.

Here’s the general advice for pickup once you get a girl’s number. On day 1 you do pickup and get her number. On day 2 you text her by bringing up something light that you guys mentioned during your initial conversation. Let’s say you talked about video games during your initial pickup session. Ask her if she’s played any fun matches lately. Let that lead into a natural conversation and then on day 3 lead that into asking for a date. Make it something casual and don’t just ask for coffee. Do some sort of fun activity together like roller skating.


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