What makes a man attractive?

  • Independence
  • Confidence
  • Social skills
  • Self-care
  • Passions
  • Drive

Let’s break those down


Also called non-neediness, this is the fundamental core of an attractive man. A man who is dependent can only be seen by a woman as a child in need of caretaking. Independence is hard and in truth you will never be fully independent. If you were fully independent you would be happy never dating or having a girlfriend. Women also have a fundamental level of neediness that draws them to strong men. The trick is to be less needy than you were yesterday.


Confidence goes beyond independence and means that you can take care of not only yourself but are also competent at navigating the world around you. You can grow confident about your independence as well. Confidence comes from choosing hard tasks to accomplish and watching yourself accomplish those tasks. Thankfully you do not need to have women around to learn to be confident. You just have to do challenging things.

Social skills

Women need to know that their man has a social life outside of them. They don’t want to be your only friend. Furthermore, on an evolutionary level women know that the men who socialize are the ones who reproduce. That’s not to say that your girlfriend will hate you if you just moved to a new city. What I mean is that you should make time to join a soccer league with some other friends to keep yourself well-rounded.


You are responsible for grooming yourself well when you are out and about talking to girls. It doesn’t have to be super nice and you definitely shouldn’t where something fancy. Just dress like you would on a chill Saturday but also shave you know what I mean? I also make sure I’m showered and shaved before I go out to do pickup but other than that I just care that I smell alright and that I have clean and comfortable clothes on. Don’t forget to clip your finger and toe nails as well fellas.


A man must have passions that give him joy when he is not with his woman. That is not to say your passions matter more than your woman, but having passions is crucial for developing independence. In addition, if and when you lose your woman for whatever reason you want to have emotional outlets that help you move on. This website is exactly such a creative outlet for me.


Drive is ability to follow through with your own goals and with promises made to your woman. This one clearly has attractive value. We all are drawn to those who can push through difficult circumstances or excuses to achieve something worthwhile. We admire those people because we don’t know what they’ll do next. Will they climb Everest next? I don’t know!