The joy of deep connection

My goal with pickup has never been quick sex although I have had some. The end game for me is to use pickup to find the most attractive long-term female partner I can. But ultimately I am more drawn to women for the sake of connection than for sexual pleasure. So a lot of my dating work has focused on meeting intellectual women within 5 years of my own age. That’s why I like to talk to girls in parks who are reading. Women who read are likely in the right intelligence bracket for me. And it’s easy to talk about books.

Another place I like to meet women is at professional conferences. I have divulged in other posts that I am a software engineer. So, if I meet another scientifically inclined woman she is likely to be able to listen to me and I to her with understanding. Comic conventions are ideal because I’m a huge gamer so women who are into video games are gonna be a great match for me as well. Are you noticing a pattern here? Find out what you like and go find places to meet women who like that too.

My pickup game is anything but accidental. I strategically put myself in the right places at the right times around enough copies of the right type of woman (think crowds of cosplay girls) to be able to meet exactly the type of women I prefer. Furthermore, I know the conventions, places, types of activities, and groups that are in my area so I can draw from my mind an exact geolocation where I can meet the type of woman I want.

Like I said at the top of the article this is not so that I can have a new girl each night. Ultimately I know that even in the best of circumstances it can be hard to meet someone you can fall in love with. Pickup is for me a way of accelerating that process of meeting someone I am emotionally compatible with long-term by forcing myself to talk to more women more often. By drastically increasing the amount of women I talk to I am expanding the pool of women I am compatible with far beyond what the “normal” man can do.