Patience and consistency

Pickup (and dating in general) is very much a patience game. At the individual level of a one-night stand you aren’t practicing much patience but that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the years of self-development that lead up to being able to pickup a girl for one night only of sex. So, there is a patient aspect that involves spending time alone and journaling as well as quiet contemplation. There is likewise a consistency aspect.

An effective pickup artist should define a schedule (of some type) that holds him accountable to weekly pickup efforts. I do the majority of my pickup on Sunday every Sunday. I spend most of the day walking through my city with plenty of water and sunscreen and I will talk to maybe 3 – 10 hot girls over the course of a 3 mile walk.

So, there are a few reasons why my approach has been slimmed down to long walks all day and talking to lots of women in parks. I do still pickup at other events like conventions but walking around town has a few advantages that make walking preferrable when I want sex or a girlfriend.

  • By always walking you only stop moving to talk to a girl so you have a good reason to ask to sit down (“Hi I’ve been walking 18k steps can I sit down next to you for a bit?”). The other advantage to always walking is that if you are rejected it is easy to just stand back up saying “thanks for your time” and walk away.
  • Walking is good for me and in many ways the mental peace walking gives me counteracts the pain of rejection.
  • Even if I am rejected all day I still know I accomplished a 3 mile walk which is always a huge confidence booster.
  • By knowing that I will be walking to 4 or more parks I am more willing to talk to every single pretty girl in each park. I don’t care if the girl who just rejected me stares. She can watch me get this other girl’s number and feel sad about it. By not staying long in the park you are going to care less about what people think about you.
  • Women respawn over time in parks. So, for example, if I visit Malcolm X park at 10 am and talk to 3 girls I can come back around 1 pm and likely have entirely 3 new hot girls to approach.

Patience and consistency come together in the following way:

Over the course of years, consistently practicing weekly pickup and learning to patiently seduce women will increase your success with women. It is guaranteed. It is slow too, but it is guaranteed.