Eye contact

Ladies love it. Learning how to make good eye contact with a woman may in fact be one of the most attractive skills you can learn. Why is eye contact so crucial to a woman? It’s because when you are looking a woman in the eyes she knows she has your full attention. By looking her in the eyes you are also able to nonverbally communicate your confidence. A woman will not sleep with or date a man who does not look her in the eyes.

So, we can agree that this is an important skill for the successful pickup artist. How does one cultivate the skill of eye contact? There are a few ways. Eye contact is a byproduct of a healthy frontal cortex. Children tend to avoid eye contact because their frontal cortexes are smaller. By looking someone in the eyes you are in certain ways looking into their frontal cortex. Your frontal cortex is you and your soul. So, what I’m getting around to is that to build your eye contact skills by developing your personality and by extension your frontal cortex.

There isn’t much more than that to say about eye contact in the context of pickup artistry. Take your time and practice holding deep eye contact with women and you will notice an improvement in your game.