Other men and how to avoid them

Other men who notice that you have pickup talent will immediately seek to disrupt you. It’s a jealousy thing. When a man sees you approach a woman confidently, they are challenged at a fundamental level. Most men don’t have the courage to talk to women they like and so they end up hating those men who do have the courage. The ironic truth is that those men who “have the courage” are really just as scared, but we know how to get over it.

A big part of your pickup game is actually ignoring others. For example, it’s all too easy to give up on talking to a girl because you notice people are staring at you. When you do talk to a girl people will stare at you. Ignore them, they are jealous and probably not a little bit amazed by your courage. Pickup is truly a unique skill and there is no danger of market saturation so long as most men are controlled by their amygdala.

The beauty of pickup is that it allows you to bypass all other men that a woman is considering. Any beautiful woman likely has at least a few romantic options at any given time. (Now, before I proceed, let me state that is a myth that all women have crowds of men following them around. I’ve dated gorgeous women who were book worms and didn’t have a huge social network. Let go of that stereotype.) By walking right up to her you are skipping the line so to speak. Furthermore, the breaking of social rules by talking to a stranger (her) is a turn on for most women.

Be careful when you are in friend groups. Often friend groups will have a few guys crushing on the prettiest girl(s) but they sit on those crushes for years. You, as a man, should not feel obligated to respect the “dibs” that those other men pretend to have. You may have to directly assert your boundaries with these men as well. They may approach you and say something like “You really shouldn’t date her my buddy has been into her for years.” Just respond “So, why hasn’t he asked her out?”

The path of the pickup artist is a long one. Some men will hate you but others will genuinely be curious. Help the men or women who want to know how you do pickup. Don’t guard it like it’s some sort of secret. I built this website because I believe that more men deserve to learn the skills they need to find the women of their dreams. And I am certain women would agree that there are never enough gentlemen.

Much of pickup isn’t about surpassing other men but surpassing yourself. Time and time again I am reminded that the most attractive things I do are those things I do alone. When I’m training myself to run further than yesterday, when I’m coding something interest or writing a useful article, I find my joy and fulfillment through activity and effort. I have worked hard to discern what hobbies I can do that will allow me to rebuild and strengthen my self confidence when needed. For example, when I am going through a breakup I tend to run more than usual. This is a choice and it helps me move on sooner than I otherwise could.

You ought to spend energy and time considering what activities and hobbies you do that bring you fulfillment. It will not be easy but by identifying and cultivating these skills you will be able to grow into an irresistible man. This ties back into the idea of being chased instead of chasing. By developing yourself, you become attractive to all women and therefore worthy of chasing by those same women. The more you work on yourself, the less effort you have to put out to date. Women will simply come to you.


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