The Tinder advice you do want to hear

As a follow-up to my last article on Tinder, I wanted to give some more practical advice on how to improve your ELO score and the ranking of your profile. I have been working on this particular challenge throughout the past five or so years as I’ve done several touch-and-goes with Tinder. I wanted to write this article because I’ve been able to increase my satisfaction with the app by practicing a couple of simple techniques. It hasn’t been simple and it’s taken me years to go from frustration with the app to a point where I’m matching with girls I want to meet. I’ll structure this article just like the last one I wrote and will be expounding upon the following list.

  • Stop trying to seduce Women; vibe with them instead
  • Take some serious time to find or take great photos of you that are not only “attractive” in a physical sense, but that show your personality
  • Swipe left by default
  • Using Tinder regularly is more effective than bingeing it

Stop trying to seduce Women; vibe with them instead

I’ve always taken issue with the idea that people seduce each other. No one has ever been seduced by another person. People seduce themselves. All you can do is talk to them and find out if they like you. It’s not something you can control. You can only focusing on becoming an attractive man by developing your mind, heart, body, and soul. Furthermore, attempting to seduce (read manipulate) someone is sociopathic behavior. Why do you care so much about this person that you have to work to make them like you? 

So, instead of thinking of something witty to say to your next match, just vibe with her. Vibing is the ancient art of perceiving another person’s mood and emotional state and connecting with them in a synchronous way. Here’s an example of vibing with a woman in real life. You should do this sort of thing instead of Tinder – it will work more often.

Imagine yourself at a park on a sunny Sunday in May. You look across the expansive lawn and notice a beautiful woman reading a book. You feel instinctual attraction and hold your gaze for a few more milliseconds than you would for any other stranger. Once you’ve noticed your attentiveness towards this stranger graduate from complete apathy to attraction, it’s time to think about what you’ll say to her.  A good place to start is to ask her what she’s reading.

So you walk across the lawn in a straight line towards her (never approach someone from behind, always walk towards somebody from within their central field of vision).  You roll your shoulders back and straighten your back. When you’re within about 10 feet you say “Excuse me.” You give her a moment to look up from her book. “What are you reading?” What she says next will tell you everything you need to know. If she seems excited to share with you, ask her a bit more about it. Congratulations. You’re vibing!

Take some serious time to find or take great photos of you that are not only “attractive” in a physical sense, but that show your personality

Remember that the point of dating is not to make everyone swoon for you. You don’t need that many matches and quality is really more important than quantity if you are looking for a committed relationship. So, find a friend who can take some natural photos of you in a non-contrived environment. And then go ahead and find a few more photos of your hobbies and add those too. Don’t add any photos with other people in them because this will only confuse your audience. In addition, having a cover photo with a group of people makes it seem like you are insecure about your appearance.

Swipe left by default

To raise your ELO score, you need to act like a high-value user. For example, imagine yourself in the shoes of a beautiful woman on Tinder. You will probably get a match every time you swipe right. That can be frustrating. So, most pretty girls swipe right unless they find themselves genuinely intrigued or aroused by a profile. So, if you start swiping left more often you will show the algorithm that you are self-respecting.

Using Tinder regularly is more effective than bingeing it

If you apply the above advice your score will improve. But, it won’t happen overnight. I started using Tinder in 2018 and I didn’t get a good match until 2020 when I met my first partner. So take your time and spend no more than 30 minutes per day swiping. In time, you will begin to get the results you want.


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