The binomial distribution in dating

Dating has a pattern. You may have noticed it. You meet someone you like and you get to know her, then you either go further with the romance or you don’t. Often times the issue is simply talking to enough people to meet a woman who clicks with you. That’s hard. The Binomial distribution gives us a mathematical model for this exact scenario.

Binomial Distribution Pmf.svg

In the chart above, the green dots would be an attractive person (p = 0.7) who most likely met someone who said yes within (n = 20) attempts. The red dots show how a less attractive person (p = 0.5) can be just as successful with more attempts (n = 40)

the binomial distribution with parameters n and p is the discrete probability distribution of the number of successes in a sequence of n independent experiments, each asking a yes–no question


Binomial distributions model random yes-no [=binary] phenomena:

Let X be the random variable that determines your success with women

These occurrences generated by X (the imaginary probability distribution governing your odds of getting a girl’s number) converge to a mean frequency of successes k over n occurrences (pickup attempts)

k successes occur with probability pk and n − k failures occur with probability (1−p)n-k


We see that the variable p is the underlying probability that an imaginary average girl would want to give you her number. Let’s exam another example.

From Wikipedia:

Suppose a biased coin comes up heads with probability 0.3 when tossed. The probability of seeing exactly 4 heads in 6 tosses is

{\displaystyle f(4,6,0.3)={\binom {6}{4}}0.3^{4}(1-0.3)^{6-4}=0.059535.}

In that example the probability of 4 heads would be in our case the likelihood that you get 4 numbers in your phone out of 6 conversations with different, independently met women.

How to increase p and n

The one variable you have total control over is n which is the raw number of women you approach and talk to. You also have control somewhat over p but that variable is always going to be less than 1 because even if you were the hottest guy ever, charming, etc. you would still meet women who are married or happily in a relationship. So, you increase p slowly but surely by growing as a man, taking care of your health and appearance, and continuing to grow your personality so that you are authentically charming.


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