Pickup 101

So you want to become a pickup artist. Fair enough, you’ve made a good choice. The pickup artist doesn’t have to waste time on Tinder hoping to be noticed. The pickup artist doesn’t waste time trying to go to sports events or clubs hoping to run into a beautiful single girl. Learning pickup is all about taking your love life into your own hands. If you can learn pickup then you have the pick of the litter.

Learning pickup is all about taking your love life into your own hands.

So what is pickup? Most people have a mythical understanding of pickup. A man (usually) walks up to a girl and 20 minutes of talking later the girl has gladly shared her number or maybe even wants to go on a date right then. But how does that man accomplish this? Is it his physique? No. Does he use incantations? Only when I have to.

It’s about vibing and connecting. When I approach a woman my mind is on getting to know that girl. I take my time and talk to her, all the while leading her to the hook. The hook is the next step in a pickup. It’s where you turn your conversation into an official date or you exchange numbers to plan something later.

Most pickup attempts fail. That’s just reality. Getting better at pickup doesn’t mean no rejections it means fewer over time. You will speak to hundreds and likely thousands of women on your way to becoming a confident, effective pickup artist. Most of pickup is learning how to handle rejection like a gentleman.

Most of pickup is learning how to handle rejection like a gentleman.

I started becoming interested in pickup as a young man and when I was 13 I made my first pickup attempt by talking to a grown woman in a book store. Cute right? As I grew older, I continued to rely on pickup for a few simple reasons:

  • Pickup allows you to bypass all other men instantly
  • If you have the balls to do it you can talk to any girl you see
  • It’s just easier than waiting for something to magically happen

My first successes came in college when I picked up several girls in the student lounge and library. I have fun in airports. If I know a woman and I are going to the same destination (which I learn by talking to them, obviously) I like to see if we can go back to her hotel or mine. In 2019, I met a Japanese woman in the airport who was visiting my home town the same week as me. We used her hotel 😉

You can use this website to reach your own pickup goals and milestones. On this website you’ll find a collection of resources for pickup artists. Things like lists of good pickups locations and events (such as the renaissance fair). I will be sharing my pickup statistics that I’ve begun collecting. I never used to keep track of numbers related to pickup but I’m starting now so that I can get more mathematical about it.

So check out the blog section for a list of the articles that go into depth on specific pickup topics.


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