Case study “What are you reading?”


In this post words you say are highlighted in Blue and words she says are in Red

This is my most common pickup line. It’s probably the easiest one in the world and I recommend it to those just starting out with pickup. It’s great for a few reasons:

  • It immediately shows that you are interested in her intellect
  • It gives you something to ask her about
  • It makes the whole conversational more natural feeling
  • If you are well-read you can easily spin into a conversation about books you like

There are lots of good openers to start conversations but you need to be able to assess them on a few dimensions. The first dimension is time utility which is how much time the opener buys you to talk to her. The goal when approaching girls is to start a conversation about something tangible to both of you. Tangible in this sense means that it is contextually present and available for discussion. This sounds complicated but it’s not, here’s some examples of topics with high time utility.

  • Tattoos – “I love that x tattoo what’s the story?”
  • Activities – “Are you playing pickleball?”
  • Monuments/Items of interest – “Isn’t that painting fascinating? I bet it’s Dutch.”
  • Pets – “I love your dog where did you get him or her?”

The pattern here is that all of these sentences can be used as openers and they are open-ended. They allow the woman to show her interest in you. If she wants to keep talking she can easily reuse these lines on you to keep it going:

“The story of this tattoo is xyz, I like your tattoos as well! Tell me about them!”

If she says something like that she is returning interest in you. Returning to our book example, once you are discussing the book, you can express your own intellect by providing a quick assessment on the story. The goal here is to use the conversation to slowly learn more about this girl. By simply asking questions with her and having an enjoyable conversation you are showing her that you are interested. But, even the best conversations have to end. Either she will want to leave or you will. At this point you need to ask for her number and specifically ask for a date. Lunch is just fine.

“It has been great talking to you, can we get lunch next weekend?”

At this point you will get a simple yes or no answer and then you can part ways.

That’s all pick up is. It’s really just a conversation and then eventually a proposition. Depending on the situation and the woman and man involved, the proposition could be anywhere from lunch next weekend to sex that night. But the path is the same, you build trust with the woman you are interested in and then you ask her if she wants to keep things going.


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