Basic pickup approaches

This post is organized by physical context (Comic Con, Public Park, Store, etc.) Hopefully each example helps you do better pickup in that context.

Comic Cons

Some good lines for Comic Cons are

“I love your outfit! How long did it take to make?”

“I like that video game too how many hours do you have on it?”

“Did you get anything signed by <insert comic con guest star name>?”

This demographic is, in my opinion, the hottest and most interesting because I’m a big gamer and counter-culture individual. So, the girls at cons are the best. No matter where you live there is likely a comic con taking place somewhere near you at least once a year. Make it a priority to go to these and spend time talking to random women.

Public Parks

Public parks aren’t necessarily the best place to meet women but they are my “old faithful” so to speak. They have the added benefit of being a place where women generally feel safe speaking to someone random because it’s a public open space and nature is all around you making the conversation more romantic. Parks are a great place to find cuties reading. In addition, if a girl is on her phone you have a few options. What I usually do is the following. If I see a girl who is on her phone near a building I know the name of, I will walk up to her and ask her for directions to that building right next to us.

Meet Up

Group activities are a healthy way to meet women. That’s the pro of Meet Up. You can find groups of people who like what you like and the women in those are automatically going to share that interest with you. BUT Meet Ups are frequented by single men looking for dates and most women refuse to date men they meet through meet ups. Most pretty girls don’t even bother with Meet Up because it’s such a sausage fest. In general, the population of Meet Up is single men and a few older women. Don’t get me wrong you should hang out with those people. There’s more to life than pickup. But I don’t use Meet Up to meet women. I actually try to not pick up girls I meet at those events just to keep them fun for everyone there.


Bookstores are a great example because you can just talk about whatever book she is considering buying. Sports goods stores like REI are good because they are mixed gender and everyone loves going there. The mall is a classic pickup spot of course. Because stores are so varied you need to be creative and develop your own starter lines depending on the environment and what items there are around you with which to start a conversation.


Bars are decent because women expect to be approached. But this also makes them red oceans because lots of men do ALL their pickup at bars. I recommend avoiding bars for this reason. You’ll be stuck with the same bullshit pickup lines that people have used at bars for decades. Also, don’t buy drinks for girls until you are on your first date AWAY from the bar in some OTHER restaurant. Otherwise you are just a simp and one of many men buying her drinks each weekend.


Don’t use these, but if you are going to then read my articles on them.

The Tinder advice you don’t want to hear

The Tinder advice you do want to hear


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